Who We Are

Mary Ashburn
Mary started Lending Paws A Hand (LPAH) with the mission of helping pets while supporting Lee County and the surrounding communities in pet ownership awareness.
To learn more about LPAH, check out Our Story.

Ed Ashburn
The Help
Ed is the ultimate helper and right-hand man at LPAH. You will usually find Ed at adoption events organizing setup and providing information to potential adopters.
Foster Parents and Volunteers
Lending Paws A Hand does not currently have a shelter, therefore, we rely heavily on fosters and volunteers to provide love and support to all of our adoptable and hospice care pets. If you would like to join our volunteer and foster team, please fill out a Foster Application or Volunteer Application.

Board of Directors
President and Vice President
Mary and Ed Ashburn
I founded Lending Paws a Hand in 2013 in response to the plight of animals at the Lee County shelter. Ed has been my “right hand man” along the journey. Currently we are fostering a number of dogs and cats. We are constantly transporting animals to the veterinarian and fosters to potential adopters. I diligently network with a variety of rescue organizations to help the dogs and cats at the Lee County shelter and respond to community requests to help animals in our area. Animals are our passion and we work tirelessly to assist those in Lee County.

Treasurer / Foster Coordinator
Kelsey Quinn
I started volunteering in Asheboro to help The Franks Way Foundation, which focuses on search and rescue of animals during natural disasters. Some of the volunteers recommended I reach out to LPAH since they were closer. The rest is pretty much history. I officially became a part of LPAH on October 7, 2018 when I decided to foster a dog named Griffin. I look forward to serving LPAH this year!

Secretary / Volunteer Coordinator
Leslie Skillman
My husband and I started volunteering with LPAH in May of 2020 by fostering a pregnant dog who had 11 puppies soon after arriving at our house. We have fostered a number of other dogs since then. I have helped at adoption events and transporting dogs in NC and further. We adopted our dog, Lucy in Montana and she has been a real trooper with all of the fosters.

Adoption Coordinator
Megan Zearfoss

Board Members
Val and Kevin Wood
Kevin and I started fostering for Wake County in January 2014. By 2015, I would get folks reaching out to help with an animal they had seen on Facebook. In October 2015, one of those was a dog named Lily that LPAH was looking for someone to foster for her rehab. Mary was a bit dubious about a foster in Wake County, but a foster volunteer was hard to turn down, so she gave me a try. We’ve been helping LPAH ever since. We’ve helped many dogs and cats for LPAH that we haven’t brought home a Wake County dog in ages.

Board Member
Amber Rocks
I have been involved with LPAH for 7-8 years. I met Mary through the rescue of a stray pit puppy named Oreo. Over the years my husband and I have helped with events, and pulled and transported for the rescue. We have fostered about 7 different dogs. Foster failed 2 of them! My current task is data tracking and social media.